Contact Lens Safety Tips: Do’s and Don'ts

Contact lenses are a popular alternative to glasses, providing clear vision and freedom of movement without the need for bulky frames. To ensure your eyes stay healthy and safe, it is essential to follow proper contact lens hygiene and care practices.


Do: Wash Your Hands


It is vital to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your contact lenses. This will eliminate any dirt, oil, or bacteria that could transfer to your lenses and cause an eye infection. Before handling your lenses, dry your hands with a clean, lint-free towel.


Don't: Use Saliva to Wet Your Lenses


Using your saliva may seem like a quick and easy solution. But using your saliva to wet your contact lenses is a big no-no. Saliva contains bacteria that can lead to eye infections and other complications. Instead, use a sterile saline or multipurpose solution recommended by your eye doctor to wet your lenses.


Do: Clean Your Lenses Daily


Cleaning your contact lenses daily is crucial for maintaining good eye health. It removes bacteria, debris, and other contaminants that can accumulate on your lenses over time. Use a recommended cleaning solution and follow the instructions carefully. Some solutions require you to rub your lenses gently before rinsing them, while others are no-rub solutions.


Don't: Wear Your Lenses for Too Long


Wearing your contact lenses all day and night may be tempting. However, giving your eyes a break is essential. Overwearing your lenses can cause eye fatigue and dryness and increase your risk of eye infections. Follow the wearing schedule your eye doctor recommends, and never sleep with your lenses on.


Do: Store Your Lenses Properly


Proper storage is essential for maintaining the quality and safety of your contact lenses. Always store your lenses in a clean, dry case, and replace your case every three months. Avoid storing your lenses in tap water, as this can lead to bacterial contamination.


Don't: Share Your Lenses


Sharing contact lenses with others is never a good idea. It can lead to bacteria transfer and other contaminants that cause eye infections or complications. Each person's eyes are unique, and their lenses should be customized to fit their specific needs.


Do: Attend Regular Eye Exams


Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining good eye health and ensuring your contact lenses fit correctly. Your eye doctor can detect potential problems early and provide the necessary treatment. Be sure to schedule an eye exam at least once a year or as your eye doctor recommends.


Don't: Wear Your Lenses During Water Activities


Wearing contact lenses during water activities can increase your risk of eye infections. Water contains a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria and parasites. They can attach themselves to your lenses and cause eye infections. 


If you wish to swim or participate in water sports, it is best to wear prescription goggles or consider disposable lenses that you can discard after use. Stay safe and enjoy the clear vision that contact lenses can provide.


For more on contact lens do's and don'ts, visit Drs. Stein and Goldschneider at our office in Blackwood, New Jersey. Call (856) 408-1800 to book an appointment today.